Our Area


  • All info about our area
  • Leaders, History, Places
  • Education, Shops, Offers, Business etc
  • Connect socially
  • News, Events, Info
  • Gallery - Images, Videos
  • Info useful for people
  • Many benefits for users
Our Area App >> M: 8087742000 www.clicksin.com E: a@clicksin.com


1) Android App with all info @ our area, local listing, nearby places, history etc

(2) Social media links

(3) Direct call, sms, email, whatsapp,Website etc

(4) Module-wise training to admin, managers and users of client. 2 days x 4 hours/day = 8 hours

(5) User Manual with detailed steps, screenshots etc

Delivery period = 15 to 20 working days

Action Plan :

  1. 1.Get all info from Team.
  2. 50% Advance payment to confirm the project with document.
  3. Give all info, contents, images, videos etc.
  4. Assign a single dedicated person to use if you don’t have time.
  5. Confirm & sign document
  6. 50% balance payment for App uploading.


One time Investment = Only Rs. 50,000.